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Here’s What to Do Next if You’ve Experienced a Natural Disaster

Sep 28, 2023

Natural disasters like tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes can destroy communities and leave buildings badly damaged. Determining the right course of action during this chaotic time can be challenging. Here’s what you must do after experiencing a natural disaster.

Stay Safe

The first step is to ensure that everyone is safe. This may mean evacuating the area or your home for a short period. Families can head to shelters for assistance if FEMA has intervened and set them up. If you leave your home, watch for downed power lines, flooded areas, and dangerous tree limbs.


Take the time to communicate with loved ones in the area. Ensure that they're safe. If you have family or friends in a dangerous position, contact local authorities to help secure their safety. During this time, you must keep yourself and your children safe. This can be a chaotic time and communication is critical.

Gather Supplies

Next, ensure you and your family have the necessary supplies. For example, even if your house is livable and only requires fire damage repair, the fire may have consumed most of your food. If you’re in a hurricane and must evacuate, ensuring your family has fresh water is imperative.

Make an Assessment

After the disaster is over, it’s time to assess the damage. You may discover that you only need flood or fire damage repair, depending on the disaster. Whatever the case, determine what type of damage there is to your home and belongings. You must know this when you contact repair companies or file an insurance claim. If you rent, your landlord will need this information.

Contact Insurance

Homeowners will need to contact their insurance company if there has been damage to the house. According to iPropertyManagement, water damage to homes will cost about $20 billion annually nationwide. Because it's so prevalent, insurance companies can help you navigate the process of repairing your home and may help cover the cost.

Gain Assistance

Returning to your home after a natural disaster may be unsafe. You may need help paying for or finding bottled water and groceries. Government agencies and other programs, such as the Red Cross, often provide additional assistance. Seek these programs to determine if you qualify for temporary housing or further aid. This can help you take care of the necessities while you rebuild.

Are you in need of restoration services for your home? At Advance Companies, we offer fire damage repair, flood restoration, flooring, and emergency services to help you and your community rebuild quickly. Contact us for more information.

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